(495) 025-07-07

Вереск, гортензия, рододендрон

Common heather (Calluna vulgaris)is a small shrub from the heather family with narrow, scaly, tetrahedral leaves. Heather grows from 25 cm to a meter in height. Numerous varieties of heather differ greatly in leaf color. Heather leaves come in all shades of green, as well as silver, yellow, bronze, orange, red and brown. Many small goblet-shaped heather flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences that end each branch. Heather blooms with white, pink, lilac, crimson or cherry flowers.


sunny or partial shade.

Soil requirements:

loose, moist, well-drained soils with an acidity level of pH 3.5 – 5.0. Does not like calcareous soils.


It is necessary to monitor soil moisture – the top layer of soil should always be moist. On hot days, additional spraying.


optimal temperature range from +8 to +25°C.


July August.


Heather can be planted in spring and autumn, but spring is preferable.

Methods and timing of reproduction:

dividing the bush, cuttings and seeds.

Heather care

In order for the planted heather to please the eye for as long as possible, it should be properly cared for.

  1. Pruning In the spring, before the buds appear, you need to trim the upper branches a little. In autumn, cut off faded inflorescences by 7-10 cm and leave them as covering material. In spring, the trimmings must be removed and burned.
  2. Feeding Heather should be fertilized once a year with complex mineral fertilizer. It must be poured onto the ground under the bushes, covered with mulch and watered with warm water. Fertilizer should be taken at a rate of about 40 grams per 1 sq.m.
  3. Weeding and loosening. Weed out weeds as they appear, while simultaneously loosening the soil.
  4. Shelter. Covering heather bushes is necessary in case of severe frosts. Heather is also additionally mulched with peat, a layer width of at least 10 cm.


More than seventy species of hydrangeas are known. In natural conditions, hydrangea flowers are shrubs up to 3 m tall, medium-sized trees and vines that can climb tree trunks to a height of up to 30 m. Hydrangea is a capricious flower that requires special treatment.


Parum shade in the southern areas, bright sunlight in the middle zone and more northern regions. Hydrangeas also love space.

Soil requirements:

Loose, moist, nutrient-rich soil (pH 5.0)


Weekly and abundant, water consumption is from 15 to 20 liters per plant.


Optimum temperature range from +8 to +25°C.


From early summer to late autumn.


In the fall, sow seeds for seedlings, followed by planting the seedlings in open ground in early spring two years later. In the south, seedlings can be planted in the ground in the fall.

Methods and timing of reproduction:

By seeds, dividing the bush, grafting, layering and green cuttings.


Correct and timely pruning of the plant will speed up the formation of buds and fresh shoots. Trim the flower (tree hydrangea, for sure) in early spring to stimulate its growth. It is due to the competent pruning procedure that the bush becomes overgrown with those very lush caps of inflorescences. Every year from 3-4 years.


In nature, these shrubs grow in mountain forests, on slopes in the subalpine and alpine mountain belts, and even in the tundra. These are evergreen or deciduous shrubs, from 0.3 to 3 m tall. The mountains are always humid and there is a lot of rainfall, both in summer and winter. The soil is poor, loose and, as a rule, acidic, since organic residues do not completely rot. Rhododendron’s favorite environment is pine. This tree creates that favorable microclimate and the soil that rhododendron needs: acidic, light, saturated with air. These are the conditions that this plant needs to create.


The plant loves high air humidity, so it will grow well near a pond, stream, or fountain. Prefers bright, diffused light.

Soil requirements:

Loose, acidic soils (pH 4.5-5.5). If the soil on the site is sandy or loamy, then peat must be added to deoxidize and improve the structure.


The optimal summer watering rate is once every 5-7 days in the amount of 10-15 liters of water per adult plant. At the end of summer and early autumn, watering is reduced to once every 10-12 days.


Immediately after flowering: young plants – annually, adults – once every year or two.


In spring and summer – 16-18 ºC, from October the temperature is lowered to 5-8 ºC for a month and a half, and when the buds begin to swell, the temperature is gradually increased to 18 ºC.

Methods and timing of reproduction:

Seeds, cuttings and grafting.


After the transplant. You can pinch the plant several times; the last pinch is carried out in mid-summer.

Caring for these flowers includes:

  1. Timely watering is the amount of water that a plant needs depending on its biological characteristics, soil composition and development phase. It must be remembered that evening watering is more effective, since water penetrates into the ground better and does not evaporate.
  2. Loosening can ensure normal water-air regime in the soil, and this is very important for the good development of the root system. When loosening, many weeds are destroyed, especially in hot weather, when their roots are dried out by the sun and wind. To kill weeds, you can use safe herbicides that are not harmful to people.
  3. Mulching is a process that conserves moisture and heat in the soil, while preventing the development of weeds and providing plants with additional nutrition as a result of the decomposition of mulch. Mulching also allows you to reduce the loosening process several times. “Flower” peat is perfect for mulching.
  4. Fertilizer is the feeding of plants during the planting period. The second feeding can be started no earlier than 1 month after planting, when the plant has already taken root.
  5. The fight against diseasesof plants and all kinds of pests can be carried out using chemicals. Garden flowers are disease-resistant, but indoor flowers need to be given more attention.
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