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Select Palm and ficus Palm and ficus

Palms are bright representatives of decorative deciduous plants. They are bought and bred precisely for the sake of beautiful, unusual, carved leaves. Despite the fact that the birthplace of most palm trees is the tropics and subtropics, they feel great in our apartments.

When growing palm trees indoors, you need to understand that success depends not so much on watering and fertilizing, but on a well-chosen place: there should be a lot of light and no drafts, at least at an early stage of development.


for young palm trees, use bright, diffused light, avoiding direct sunlight. Mature plants grow in direct sunlight most of the day; for less of the day they can develop in diffuse sunlight or partial shade.

Soil requirements:

fertile, well-drained soil with an acidity pH of 5.5 – 7.0.


In winter, heat-loving palm trees are kept at +14…+16°С, other types +8…+10°С. The optimal temperature for growth is +16…+18°C.




In summer and spring, the palm tree needs abundant watering, and in winter – moderate. In summer, the leaves are sprayed in the morning or evening; in winter, they are wiped with a soft sponge soaked in warm water 2 times a month.


Organic palm fertilizers or slow-release mineral fertilizers are used, which can be applied either dry or in the form of solutions. The frequency of feeding is once a month or once every six months.


sowing seeds of early-ripening varieties in open ground – from April to May, mid-ripening and late – from April to mid-June. You can sow early varieties before winter – at the end of October or at the beginning of November. Sowing seeds for seedlings can begin in April, and seedlings are planted in open ground in May. When growing lettuce at home, sowing is done at any time.


seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings.


caterpillars, mealybugs, scale insects, herbivorous mites, thrips.


grafiola, oil spot, penicillium, leaf drying, sunburn, yellow spot.

General tips for all palm trees:

  1. Palm trees love rooms with good lighting, but do not tolerate direct sunlight.
  2. Palm trees are afraid of drafts.
  3. The roots of these trees are very sensitive to cold. It is not recommended to place a pot, even with a large plant, on a cold windowsill or on marble floor tiles.
  4. All palm trees, even those native to deserts, are moisture-loving, so in summer they need to be watered almost daily, in winter – moderate watering. But overflow is not allowed.
  5. All arecaceae need to be sprayed regularly, especially in winter in heated rooms. Use warm water and spray the leaves on both sides.
  6. The growth point of palm trees is at the top of the stem, so cutting the palm tree in this place is not permissible – it will die.

Planting a palm tree in open ground

The planting hole is dug twice as large as the diameter of the earthen ball (plant root system), and 10-15% deeper than the height of the root system.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot and place it in the planting hole.
  2. Fill up the free space with loose soil.
  3. After planting, water thoroughly so that the soil settles and fills all the voids.
  4. Mulch the soil around the plant.


Ficus is one of the most common and favorite indoor plants among gardeners. The reason for this is, first of all, the beauty and decorativeness of ficuses, as well as ease of care and unpretentiousness.


bright, diffuse lighting without direct sunlight.

Soil requirements:

fertile, loose, moisture- and breathable slightly acidic soil.


optimal temperature +18…+35°С.


moderate. The soil should dry out a little between waterings. Additionally, the plant is sprayed.

Rest period:



nitrogen-containing fertilizers once every 10-14 days. In winter, fertilizers are not needed.


It is better to transplant in early spring. If the plant is less than 4 years old, it needs to be replanted annually. If more than 4 years – once every couple of years.


cuttings, leaves, layering.


spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, nematodes.


anthracnose, botrytis, cercospora.

Ficus transplant:

  1. prepare a new pot and soil mixture
  2. water the ficus generously, wait until the soil is completely saturated
  3. get the plant along with the earthen lump
  4. place drainage at the bottom of the new container
  5. transfer the plant to a container and add fresh soil around the edges
  6. water with settled water

The keys to successful adaptation of a plant brought home are the following conditions:

  • average indoor humidity;
  • no drafts;
  • location of the pot away from the battery;
  • protecting the plant from direct rays of the sun.
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