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Pine bark mulch

Mulch(bark, coniferous wood chips) is a natural material, ideal for use in landscape design, for mulching, decoration, protection from weeds, preserving moisture in the soil, enriching the soil with mineral elements and humus in the process mulch decomposition.

Experienced plant growers especially prefer natural mulch made from pine bark, as it prevents soil hardening, ensures its saturation with useful substances and protects crops from damage by parasites and diseases.

Recommendations for mulching the soil

  1. Before mulching, the soil needs to be dug up, loosened and weeds removed.
  2. Mulching is never carried out on wet soil (after rain or watering).
  3. Mulch is never compacted; it should lie in a loose, uniform thickness and even layer.
  4. Beds with berry plants should be under a layer of mulch at all times.

It is recommended to update the layer of pine bark mulch every 2-3 years. In order for the growth of weeds under the bark to be suppressed as much as possible, the mulch layer should be no thinner than 5-7 cm.

What can be mulched with pine bark?

Pine bark mulch is most often used for trees, shrubs and flowers. Examples include apple trees, gooseberries and, of course, raspberries, by which you can quickly notice the result. Pine bark mulch is also suitable for blueberries, blueberries, wild strawberries and garden strawberries.

Pine mulch is especially beneficial for roses. In general, pine bark mulch is suitable for any plants that prefer slightly acidic soils.

What cannot be mulched with pine bark?

It is impossible to mulch garden crops and seedlings, since pine bark contains tannins and makes soil nitrogen inaccessible to plants, which will significantly slow down their development and the yield period will be prolonged.

Advantages of using mulch:

  1. Mulch protects the root system from wind, overheating and cold; plants tolerate wintering and heat more easily. Temperature changes occur less sharply.
  2. Mulch retains nutrients in the soil.
  3. Mulching significantly reduces the amount of watering (moisture is retained in the soil longer).
  4. Increases yields because it protects foliage and stems from rotting.
  5. Regulates soil pH, making it alkaline or acidic.
  6. Stops the spread of annual weeds.
  7. Mulch under plantings looks neat and improves the appearance of the garden plot.
  8. Mulching can protect plantings from various pests.
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