(495) 025-07-07

Select rpc registered a subsidiary in China RTC registered a subsidiary in China

As part of the implementation of the strategy to increase the scale of business, rpc Group of Companies opens the company Henan RPC Agrotech Co., Ltd. on the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The main objectives of the new structure will be to represent the company’s interests in local markets, organize uninterrupted supplies of peat products for agricultural purposes, and expand the local customer base.

The main point of shipment of processed peat to the PRC was the mining enterprise of the rpc Group of Companies in the Rezhevsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. In the second half of 2021, since the opening of the export route, 5 container trains have already been sent to the Middle Kingdom and interest in Russian peat continues to grow. To meet the growing demand for agricultural peat supplies, as well as humic acids to increase land fertility in China, the company plans to increase the capacity of the new plant by the first half of 2022.

The group expects that organizing work through a resident company will simplify interaction with local government authorities, as well as Chinese manufacturers and local crop-growing enterprises.

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