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“Russian Peat Company” and the Ural State Agrarian University signed a Cooperation Agreement

On August 11, 2020, a Cooperation Agreement was signed aimed at integrating educational, research, innovation and material and technical potentials, taking into account mutual needs and interests. The signing took place at the TASS site.

peat extraction

The synthesis of the strengths and competencies of an educational institution and production will make it possible to train qualified personnel for the specific needs of rpc LLC and provide students of the Ural State Agrarian University with the opportunity to try out the profession in practice.

University students will study in blue-collar professions relevant to the Russian Peat Company, complete final qualification work on topics and problems of the peat industry, and undergo practical training at the company’s production site.

“rpc”, in turn, will organize the participation of its specialists in the educational process, internships for teachers and employees at production facilities and will establish the payment of its own scholarship.

peat extraction

“We look forward to fruitful cooperation. Our task is to develop the peat industry and train future professionals who will be able to continue our work,” shared Viktor Ploskina, General Director of EKOPROM LLC. EKOPROM LLC is part of the rpc group of companies.

The parties also agreed on cooperation in the field of research and innovation. It is planned that representatives of the Ural State Agrarian University and the Russian Peat Company will carry out work on the development of peat-based sorbents for environmental programs. The synergy of students, teachers and rpc specialists will help take a step forward for the entire peat industry.

peat extraction

“We know that in recent years the Smolensk region has shown a huge jump in the ranking of the investment climate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, entering the top 20 most investment-attractive regions of Russia. I must say that our holding has very ambitious plans – we intend to become leaders in peat processing in Russia over the next three years. We have the potential, desire and financial capabilities for this,” said Sergei Merzlyakov, General Director of the Russian Peat Company.

peat extraction

“The need for integration of science, education and production in the agricultural sector is especially acute today. Cooperation with rpc will make it possible to train in-demand specialists who have not only theoretical but also practical knowledge and are able to competently solve the problems of the peat industry. In addition, we have outlined topics for scientific research, this will expand the scope of peat use in the agricultural sector,” said Olga Loretz, rector of the Ural State Agrarian University.

“Russian Peat Company” is a holding company in the field of extraction and processing of agropeat. The company develops peat deposits, extracts peat and processes it at its own production sites, using high-performance equipment from world industry leaders. It also develops innovative peat products for all types of agricultural crops. The Ural State Agrarian University is among the top 5 best industrial universities in the country according to the rankings of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. For 80 years, it has been training personnel for all sectors of the agro-industrial complex. Today at the university you can get such a sought-after specialty as: landscape designer, cadastral engineer, veterinary and sanitary expert, food production technologist, agricultural engineer, dog handler and others.

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