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RPC LLC became a participant in the round table in Skolkovo

On October 6, a round table “Issues of reclamation of damaged lands” was held in Skolkovo, organized by the Committee on Agrarian Industry and Agricultural Industry of Business Russia Moscow and the Cluster of Biological and Medical Technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation.

The main topics of the round table were the state program for land reclamation and support measures for entrepreneurs dealing with this issue.

“It is difficult to overestimate the eco-issue in Russia, given the concern for the country’s food security and healthy lifestyle, for which a targeted national program has been adopted, approved by the President of the Russian Federation. As of today, this topic is more relevant than ever,” noted committee chairman Sergei Merzlyakov. – Just a little less than a month ago, on September 11, on the instructions of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the Altai Territory, as part of the environmental rehabilitation of areas of the Salair National Park, activists, business representatives and authorities planted 2.6 thousand young cedar trees. Sure, it’s a good promotion, but it’s not enough. We must resolve the issue of land reclamation at the level of the entire country through our common efforts.”

Russian Peat Company LLC (rpc LLC) was represented at the round table by marketing analyst Alexey Ivanov. He made a report “Land reclamation. Application of peat substrates and other peat-based products.”

Sergei Merzlyakov noted that this round table opens a whole series of events that are designed to integrate existing business opportunities into state land reclamation programs. Elena Veselova, head of the department of state land supervision and land management of the Department of Land Policy, Property Relations and State Property of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, spoke about them, as well as about support measures for businessmen who want to engage in land reclamation.

Also taking part in the event were Olga Dylevskaya, chief specialist-expert of the crop production department of the Department of Plant Growing, Mechanization, Chemicalization and Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, marketing analyst of rpc LLC Alexey Ivanov, Head of the Laboratory of Innovative Agro-Reclamation Technologies of the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after A. N. Kostyakova Snezhana Menshikova, General Director of the Trade House of the Floralife Mineral Fertilizer Plant Nikolay Glushkov, Head of New Businesses at the United Chemical Company URALCHEM Artem Ryazantsev, Director of Kolomenskaya Yagoda LLC Ivan Chepenko, Director of the BIOERA-MOSCOW company Alexander Ermakov.

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