(495) 025-07-07


Russian Peat Company LLC in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise”, Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2020 No. 999 “On approval of requirements for environmental impact assessment materials “, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2021 No. 2284 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2020 No. 440” notifies the beginning of public discussions on the object of state environmental assessment – draft technical documentation for the new technology “Recycling of sludge wastewater from biological treatment facilities of petrochemical enterprises with the production of technosoils,” including preliminary materials for conducting an environmental impact assessment.

Customer: Limited Liability Company “Russian Peat Company”. INN: 5024200047, OGRN: 1195081076453

Legal/Actual address: 143421, MO, GO Krasnogorsk, ter. Baltic highway, km 26, no. 5, building 5/1, office 202. Phone: 8 (495) 025-07-07, e-mail: office@rutorf.com.

Representative of the customer LLC “Russian Peat Company” – Director of Legal Affairs Oleg Gennadievich Badulin, tel.: 8 (495) 025-07-07 (ext. 1712), e-mail: o.badulin@rutorf.com.

Performer of environmental impact assessment work: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Perm National Research Polytechnic University” (PNRPU). INN 5902291029, OGRN 1025900513924. Actual address: 614990, Perm region, Perm, Komsomolsky prospect, 29 Tel/fax: 8 (342) 239-14-82 e-mail: surkov-a@mail.ru.

Consultations with a specialist: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17:00 by phone 89824681520 Surkov Alexander Anatolyevich.

Responsible for organizing public discussions:

Department of Program Implementation and Ecology of the Improvement Department of the Krasnogorsk Municipal Administration, Moscow Region, address: 143400, st. Lenina, 4, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region. tel.: 8 (495) 562 87 96, e-mail: eco-krasnogorsk@mail.ru.

Name of the planned activity: draft technical documentation for the new technology “Recycling of wastewater sludge from biological treatment facilities of petrochemical enterprises with the production of technosoils”

Goal of the planned activity: Involvement of wastewater sludge from treatment plants into economic circulation to produce marketable products

Preliminary place of implementation of the planned activity: Russian Federation

Planned timing of the environmental impact assessment: May – August 2022.

Place and timing of availability of the object of public discussion: draft technical documentation for the new technology “Recycling of wastewater sludge from biological treatment facilities of petrochemical enterprises with the production of technosoils”, including preliminary materials for conducting an environmental impact assessment (EIA) ( further – discussion materials) is available for review from 06/27/2022 to 08/05/2022 inclusive on the Internet:

On the official website of the Administration at: https://krasnogorsk-adm.ru/doc/doc_8108.html

On the website of Russian Peat Company LLC at: https://rutorf.com/news.html

The form of public discussions is a survey. The form for collecting comments and suggestions is written.

The period for public discussions in the form of a survey is from 06/27/2022 to 07/28/2022 inclusive.

Questionnaires are available for downloading from 06/27/2022 to 07/27/2022 inclusive on the Internet on the official website of the Administration of the Krasnogorsk City Administration at the address: https://krasnogorsk-adm.ru/doc/doc_8108.html.

Completed questionnaires are accepted by the Administration in written and electronic form from 06/27/2022 to 07/28/2022 inclusive, marked “For public discussions”:

1. Via email at eco-krasnogorsk@mail.ru;

2. By mail to the Administration: 143400, st. Lenina, 4, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, department of program implementation and ecology of the improvement department of the administration of the Krasnogorsk municipality.

Written comments, suggestions and comments from the public marked “For public discussions” within 10 days after the end of public discussions until 08.08.2022 inclusive are accepted:

1. Department of Program Implementation and Ecology of the Improvement Department of the Administration of the Municipality of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region via email: eco-krasnogorsk@mail.ru, or by mail to the address: 143400, st. Lenina, 4, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region.

2. Russian Peat Company LLC via email: o.badulin@rutorf.com, or by mail to the address: 143421, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk city district, ter. Baltic highway, km 26, no. 5, building 5/1.


Materials on the technology “Recycling of wastewater sludge from biological treatment facilities of petrochemical enterprises with the production of technosoils” can be found at the link: https://cloud .mail.ru/public/nRAK/aCM4j1bDN

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