(495) 025-07-07


Package volume: 10l, 25l, 50l
Soil composition: A mixture of peats of varying degrees of decomposition, Limestone flour, Azofoska, Biohumus, Agroperlite
Nitrogen (NH4 + N03): 200
Phosphorus (P2O5): 260
Potassium (K2O): 280
Acidity: pH of salt suspension, not less: 6,0
Mass fraction of moisture no more than: 65%
Vermicompost no less: 20%
Where buy

It is a fully prepared nutritious peat soil enriched with vermicompost for growing seedlings and adult plants of indoor, vegetable and flower crops.



Growing seedlings

Fill suitable containers with soil, carefully level, moisten well and spread the seeds. Fill the seeds with a new portion of soil so that the seeds are at the desired depth, moisten by spraying. Cover containers with seeds with glass or polyethylene until the seeds germinate.

Growing indoor plants

Fill the planting containers with soil, plant seedlings or an adult plant along with a lump of earth, lightly compact, and water moderately.

Basic soil filling

Add 3 – 5 liters of substrate per 1 m2 to the soil, dig to a depth of 20-25 cm. Growing vegetable and flower crops in open ground: place 0.5-1.5 liters of soil in the planting hole, plant a plant or seedlings, lightly compact , moisturize well. Sprinkle soil on top.

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