(495) 025-07-07

Blueberry seedlings and berries

RTK Group of Companies is a young, ambitious holding company that operates in the field of extraction and development of peat deposits, as well as in the field of agricultural and crop production.

The blueberry nursery “BerryCo” in the Smolensk region is an enterprise of the RTK company and the largest blueberry nursery in Russia. The nursery is located on an area of 52 hectares. We have already established ourselves as a supplier of quality seedlings: both for amateur gardeners and for large enterprises.

We are not just a blueberry nursery, but a complex enterprise – within the framework of the BerryCo nursery project, it is planned to organize agrotourism and an eco-village.

The basis for your future high harvest is high-quality, healthy seedlings, which you can purchase from us.

All blueberry varieties meet the basic requirements:

  • resistance to the main environmental factors in the plantation area;
  • increased resistance to pathogens;
  • winter hardiness;
  • earliness and productivity;
  • fruit quality: large fruit, taste, strength of attachment;
  • mutual pollination;
  • biochemical composition and technological qualities of fruits.

Blueberries are an excellent natural antioxidant; they can have a restorative, restorative and tonic effect on the body.

The uniqueness of blueberries

By composition:

  • anthocyanins (give the berries a blue tint, up to 3500 mg.) – antioxidant activity, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells;
  • gallic acid – antioxidant + anti-inflammatory activity + antifungal and antiviral effect;
  • pectins (dietary fiber, up to 0.6%) – removes heavy metals and toxins.
  • high content of vitamins C, K, E – 30%, 16%, 14% of the daily value, respectively;
  • organic acids (up to 2.7%);
  • amino acids;
  • non-allergenic – recommended for inclusion in children’s diets.

Blueberries: varieties and main characteristics

Blueberry variety BlueCrop
Yield, kg/bush 6 – 9
Ripening period July/August
Plant height, m1.6-2
Fetal weight, gFrom 3 to 4
The taste of the fruit is Sweet, with a slight sourness
Frost resistance – 30
Age of seedling2
Advantage of the variety: It is resistant to diseases and pests. Very drought-resistant, unpretentious
Planting blueberries with different ripening periods allows you to get a continuous harvest from July to mid-September.


Features of care

To obtain high yields, blueberry seedlings should be planted in areas with plenty of light. The blueberry root system consists mainly of delicate, thin roots, which are 80% very close to the surface. Due to the lack of root hairs, they have a relatively low absorption capacity. Blueberry roots are not able to overcome dense soil surfaces and require loose and well-drained soils, with a good content of organic matter (3% to 5%) and acidity (pH) 4.5 -5.0.

Most soils do not fit these parameters, but site conditions can be improved with varying variations in soil texture and acidity. For example, introducing peat into planting trenches with the further formation of ridges 1 m wide and up to 50 cm high.

The soil must be constantly moistened. Lack of moisture can cause a decrease in fruiting and even death of the plant. Excessive watering is also unacceptable. Blueberries do not need shelter for the winter. Some of its varieties are able to tolerate temperatures down to -28 degrees and below.

We will help you choose blueberry seedlings that will produce a bountiful harvest of sweet and large berries. Our specialists will help you with the choice of variety and other necessary conditions.


How to contact us?

Contacts for clients:

E-mail: sales@rutorf.com, office@rutorf.com
Phones: +7 (495) 025-07-07; +7 (929) 699-92-90

BerryCo LLC

216537, Smolensk region, Roslavl district, Osterskoye rural settlement, territory of the RTK Industrial Park, building 1

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