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How to use peat pots

The usefulness of peat pots is greatly exaggerated. So what if they are made of peat? If they were soaked in some kind of fertilizer, then there would be at least some benefit. And so? Only appearance. In addition, when growing seedlings in these pots, their roots constantly “freeze”, since the cups are constantly wet and moisture evaporates from them, and during evaporation the surface cools. So it turns out that instead of being warm, the roots are constantly cool. And this is not good.

Myth two: it’s good to plant seedlings directly into the ground in these peat pots. These cups have too thick walls, and many of the crops grown have very soft roots, so how are they supposed to make their way to development? So sometimes they remain captive of this glass and only a few roots emerge “to freedom” through the slightest cracks. Peat decomposes very slowly. Only pumpkin can break through such pots at the seedling stage.

Peat pots: how to use

If you have already purchased such peat cups, then modify them and turn them into seedlings suitable for growing. To do this, they need to be soaked in humate fertilizer with microelements – this will provide nutrition to the seedlings and help the peat to decompose faster. It is advisable to wrap each glass with film. When planting seedlings in the ground, the cups are freed from the film and torn in several places, especially at the bottom.

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